Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Chilkat blankets, a Tlingit art form

I had a dream where one of these blankets changed colour as it was turned over. It was black with white symbols, and as it turned over, it was white with black symbols. It was odd, as I haven't seen one in many years, and then only in a college art course. I am a weaver, but of small, non-complicated things. So -- I thought I'd put up a few links to this and see what it inspires.

This site has a few pictures: Civlization Treasures. It describes them as being made of goat hair and cedar bark.

Clarissa Hudson is a modern artist who, among other things, has the knowledge of Chilkat weaving. I also greatly admired her owl woman robe in the Chilkat style, made for a friend.

A Chilkat weaving in progress, at the website of Anna Ehlers, another master Chilkat weaver.


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