Sunday, January 07, 2007

the beauty in the universe

Marie Winger-Meyer 1/7/2007 10:20 am

I never felt special -- instead I felt -- different. Like I was right in some way I should be - and everyone else just didn't get it. And since no one else was 'open' there - I tried my hardest to shut it down. That is -- until I went to the college and discovered the drawings.

There were always littler ways it 'got out/made itself clear' to me before - I couldn't change what I was - just what I did with "what was me." But the drawings made themselves LOUD AND CLEAR - no denying it - no 'voices' or 'visions' - just a sincere sense of ("what you are doing right here - it is the beautiful thing - do it until you finish -- when it is done - it will be apparent when it is finished - and it should be finished and finished to its true completion.")

and so the art became both the medium and the messages and the teacher of many things -- by suggestion, not by force. [I still love that feeling |[-|x-F-© makes me feel it)

And over time the messages have changed much - I would expect no less from it - it tells me more about truth, beauty and being than anything else -- and then tells in its way [[when and sometimes how, or no direction at all -- that wisdom of this message so beautiful in itself]] to go out into the world and seek and practice -- for I am not only the container - but also the medium - and the motivator. If in it I did not feel motivation to comply - I wouldn't. It is by this simple revelation and truth that I comply at all - and when the ties/(threads?) of the world fight or (comply as well)agree -- then -- beauty is in the fight or the singing -- the synchronicity and the harmony - which is the closest thing I can identify - physically - with here in this [container - body - medium] -- all the rest of life is the threads that others weave - and often they are in discord [[not to say mine at times aren't for I am not an expert at following (the) beauty -- only a continuous learner -- there is too much to learn for any one soul - it is expressed by all -- at once -- in different ways - and also, *sadly* is the "opposite of the beauty" *sadly* which by its nature - seeks to balance?) and thus I must always twist my [strings - my weaving - my life - my song] around/about what is already constructed.

this is being - this is existing - to be within the song and the singing at once - and the turning - and the flowing of the time in the universe. It is to make the time beautiful in its own unfolding from the point where it passes over and within you.. over and over, listening and internally 'singing' the song of the Universe, as best to your knowledge, ability and motivation.

very hard to describe, but this is my best.


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