Sunday, June 11, 2006

Fifth Dimension

Browsing Around
Yes - I spent too much time at one site, but it was actually interesting this morning :o)

Book Finds

1953 'Third Course in the New Mathematics'
small school textbook I picked up at the library sale yesterday. Excellent condition - beautiful pictures scattered throughout the text. Many exercises and word problems. Covers a wide berth of general arithmetic, geometry and algebra, as well as a nice chapter on converting data to charts for 'practical uses.'

I had the luck to see the lady checking it in - not many math books make it to the sale shelves (I'm not sure where they take them.. but they disappear). She said - this? if you want it, give me a quarter and it's yours. :o)

there was also a 1929 french grammar that was free!

Found printed on the back cover of the mathematics book. A sign of the times: 'An additional protractor will be sent by the publishers on receipt of three two-cents stamps. Address the nearest office of Allyn and Bacon.'


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