Saturday - Main Street
My DH and I went for breakfast at a small restaurant and chatted about Japanese hiragana, to the dismay (I'm sure) of the waitresses. He even wrote it out on a napkin to prove he has been studying. I can only recognize about ten characters, much less write them legibly. We are both supposed to be studying this. He is definitely kicking my a** ;o)
Now we get to sit on the porch and read some. He rented out 'Eats Shoots and Leaves' and two other non-fiction books.
At the thrift store today we scored a copy of 'Dead Man's Dance' by Robert Ferrigno (for him) and a 1956 copy of Cours moyen de Francais (for me), which is stamped 'Property of the Board of Education.' ;o) I love old books, and especially foreign language books!